Prom in Odd, 2024, 60" x 40"

Prom Mote, 2024, 60" x 48"

Departing and The Darkened Air, 2022, 24 x 18''

Straight Forward Path, 2022, 24 x 18''

Wholly Lost, 2023, 24" x 18"

Returning Senses, 2023, 30" x 24"

First Stripe, 2023, 48" x 36"

Clipse and Long Notes, 2023, 48" x 36"

Traffic Slow Moon, 2023, 24" x 18"

Low Moon Moan, 2023, 24" x 18"

Upper Integrals Rising Chord, 2023, 36" x 24"

Full Bar 1-8, 2023, 36" x 24"

Way Was Holy Lost, 2022, 48 x 24''

Shaken Awake, 2022, 36 x 24''

Break of a High Bank, 2023, 48" x 36"

The Shape of Vapor, 2023, 48" x 36"

Rolled Asphalt, 2022, 24 x 18''

Between Gravel and Silt Fast August, 2023, 48" x 36"

Descending Meadow, 2023, 40" x 30"

Enameled Green, 2023, 40"x 30"

Through Me The Way, 2021, 48" x 36"

, 36 x 24"

Moon Bingo, 2023, 24" x 24"

, 36 x 24

, 2022, 24 x 24''

Cut Tracks, 2022, 24" x 18"